Latest Episodes

Living Mindfully Part 2
Which hour is smore valuable? The one where you give a great speech or achieve something great or the hour you spend waiting for...

Living Mindfully part 1
You might have baggage from yesterday, worries about tomorrow but what i can i do now? What are the oppertinities of this moment?

Jewish Mindfulness Part 5
Special Pre Rosh Hashanh mindfulness. Becomin aware of the core of our soul.

Jewish Mindfulness Part 4
Every moment is it's own purpose. Value based living means that no matter the circumstance, every moment can have meaning.

Jewish Mindfulness Part 3
The realtionship between the present moment,the past and the future. How do we learn from the past and the future without it defining the...

Jewish Mindfulness part 2
The Jewish perspective on the freshness of each moment. Each day is a new opportunity. Understand this idea through the morning Modeh Ani prayer...