Latest Episodes

Seven Emotions #2
Guided Meditation to get you in the sapce of Personal Growth and Wellbeing. In this episode we learn about Chesed - Kindness or Love....

Seven Emotions # 1
Guided Meditation to get you in the sapce of Personal Growth and Wellbeing. In this episode learn about the 2 souls and forces within...

Calm Living #4
The three layers of human consciousness. Uderstanding the power of action.

Calm Living #3 How you express yourself.
Language effects your state of mind. are your words tense and stressful and are they calm?

Calm Living #2 Calmness brings Presence
Presence brings empathy. Are you calm enough to notice the other?

Calm Living # 1 The Art of Waiting
A new series on calm living. Everyone craves calmness and inner peace. Learn what brings calmness into every experience with the first step -...